Thursday, November 1, 2012

Art by Catherine Carter

Catherine Carter
Atlanta's Art signs artist, Catherine Carter, to help distribute and promote prints from her "Art To Cure Diabetes" series as a fundraiser for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). 

A note from Catherine... "Hi, my name is Catherine Carter, and I am 13 years old. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on April 4, 2011. I was taking art lessons at the time with artist, Deborah Cavenaugh, and painting brings me great joy. I decided to put my talent to good use. All the profits from my art will go to help people with diabetes, like me. My wish is to be a small part of funding a cure and a better way of life while sharing my art with you. Help me and JDRF to improve the life of every person affected by T1D through research for curing, better treating, and preventing the disease."

"Together We Make Our Way"
This is a joint piece created by both Catherine Carter and her art teacher, Deborah Cavenaugh.
Deborah has released the rights to Catherine for this image, and
Catherine has chosen to use it for her fundraising efforts for JDRF. 
The original sold for $1,000.00 at their annual gala.
"Fishes of the Sea"
by Catherine Carter

"The Ocean Gate"
by Catherine Carter
"The Other World"
by Catherine Carter

"The Jungle Passage"
by Catherine Carter

"Explorer of the Deep"
by Catherine Carter

"Butterfly Flowers"
by Catherine Carter